Review of Mark Mate
Mark Mate

Lead Teacher of Music

Charles Dickens School, England

Used Mark Mate daily for 0–3 months

Feb 2022

The system is good but sometimes the voice recognition is a long way out or it adds random capital letters to words that do not need them. I need to spend time after each assessment re-reading comments and making corrections which takes a lot of time.

Ian found Mark Mate:
  • Does not significantly reduce teacher workload
    I find that it takes the same amount of time but my feedback is more relevant and detailed than before.
  • Does not significantly provide school data
    My school assessments are not done using markmate.
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    Feedback is more detailed and precise for each student.
  • Moderately improves teacher wellbeing
    I am not very good at concentrating on writing for long periods of time so speaking allows me to get the work done without the stresses of forcing myself to complete it.
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