Review of Mark Mate
Mark Mate
Tom Norton


Secondary school, Scotland

Used Mark Mate weekly for 0–3 months

Sep 2021

It's very easy to use, the phone app is a game changer and the software is versatile. I can see a way to use this for starter tasks with specific questions/activities, challenge questions at the end of feedback and exit cards.

Reply from Mark Mate:Thank you Tom! This is so great to hear and we're so pleased you are seeing the benefits of Mark Mate already. It sounds like you are coming up with some amazing different uses. Thank you again. If you need anything at all, you know where we are!
Tom Norton found Mark Mate:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Makes it easier to give longer feedback in a vastly reduced time.
  • Does not significantly provide school data
    I am not really using this function yet.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Giving clearer and more personalised feedback.
  • Significantly improves teacher wellbeing
    I'm actually enjoying marking.
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