Maths-Whizz Suite
Joanne Mann
St. Columba's, UK

Used maths-whizz for 12 months

May 2019

Think it is good

Joanne Mann found maths-whizz:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    At school we cover topics and then move on. With Maths Whizz the learners keep revisiting topics so there is lots of reinforcing. Also when we start a new topic I have had learners say 'I remember this from Maths Whizz'.
  • Moderately improves attainment
    I am about to do some end of term assessment so I am hoping that the learners who use Maths Whizz will show improving attainment.
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    Not all my children use Maths Whizz at home and they are the children who need to. I also run an after school Maths Whizz club but again it is mainly more able children who attend.
  • Does not reduce teacher workload
    I have a P1/2 class and children struggle to log in on their own so it is very time consuming for me to help each one. Also I only have 3 computers in class and share laptops with whole school (not enough for each child)
  • Slightly provides school data
    Not used it for providing data, will look into that as I am just about to start reports.
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