Neuron Learning/Fast ForWord/Mathia
Catherine Ruckert
Assisted Learning Center, Germany

Used neuron-english for 5 years

Feb 2019

For a young person yes. But for older students I still think the content is juvenile. I lost a couple of excellent prospects because companies found the content not mature enough for adults.

Catherine Ruckert found neuron-english:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Students in Germany are required to learn English. For those who already experience problems in their mother tongue due to auditory processing disorders, or dyslexia show significant improvements in both languages. The best explanation I heard from a very bright, mathematically gifted but dyslexic student was that “ all the teachers started to speak more slowly as I started to listen more quickly”
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Reduction in time spent doing homework, as attention span improves and less time is needed proof reading.
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Participants need less individual attention, are better able to participate in class and understand instructions more easily.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    Absolutely. Very few have any idea of the root cause of dyslexia, have little idea of how dyslexia co-exists with other learning disabilities. Especially noticeable if a workshop has been given.
  • Slightly saves school money
    Not applicable.
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