Review of now>press>play
Emma White

Deputy Headteacher

Used now-press-play for 2 years, 8 months

Sep 2020

The children love it as much as the teachers! I haven't seen a time when they have been used that the children have not been entirely engaged with the experience. They don't even realise they're learning!

Emma White found now-press-play:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    It helps children to deepen their understanding of a subject, which means they can meaningfully engage in discussions in class and apply their learning in different context.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Children retain and understanding new learning effectively when they have a physical experience to link it to. Through the now>press>play Audio Adventures at Home, children are given the opportunity to have these experiences by immersing themselves in a story.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    I have seen children with a short attention span develop the ability to remain focused for longer periods. I have also seen children develop in confidence; they are so entirely engrossed in the story, acting and engaging with the story-teller, their lose their inhibitions and the fear of making a mistake.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    As the experiences are linked to topics and concepts covered by the National Curriculum, teachers can use the stories as a springboard to new learning, or a tool for deepening understanding. The accompanying resources, e.g. scripts, mean that teachers are not having to generate their own content.
  • Moderately improves school processes
    The experiences can be used to assess levels of understanding, e.g. maths 'stories'.
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