Review of SchoolClubs
Alexandra Pashkina

Art teacher

Karandash, England

Used SchoolClubs daily for 1-2 years

Mar 2022

I felt a huge difference when I started working with the school clubs system.This not only saves time, but also gives a lot of opportunities. Parents can easily choose a course or lesson. They see the lesson topics. A mailing list in which a person receives a list of necessities is very convenient.

Alexandra Pashkina found SchoolClubs:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Work schedule, organization, mailing to parents. An easy way to book lessons.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    I can note an increase in the number of participants when we started using school clubs . This means that a larger number of children are attracted to study Art. Various techniques. We are sure that we see great progress in their work.
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