Review of SATs Companion
SATs Companion
Mia Watson

Assessment Lead

Lyng Primary School, England

Used SATs Companion daily for 3-4 years

Jul 2023

As a school, we have found the breadth and depth of content on SATS companion perfect for revising and providing interventions that prepare our Y6 children for SATS.

Mia Watson found SATs Companion:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Fewer interventions and catch-up interventions purchased in Y6.
  • Slightly reduces teacher workload
    When using SATS companion in class, workload is reduced because relevant videos provide test style questions for the children at an age-appropriate challenging level and the follow up independent work is also provided through the online tasks which can be scheduled in advance.
  • Slightly improves teaching efficiency
    Finding online or creating new appropriate SATS style questions can often be laborious. However, SATS companions ready made tasks that are domain and objective specific ensure that children are challenged appropriately and never face the same SATS question. This means that the children are well and truly accessing their retrieval of knowledge and understanding rather than just remembering answers.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Using SATS companion as the driver for our catch-up sessions and after school booster clubs has enabled children to achieve EXS in their SATS assessments.
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SATs Companion
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