Review of Sumdog Maths
Sumdog Maths
Sandra Lubchenko

Academically Gifted Teacher

Brooks Global Studies, United States

Used Sumdog Maths for Free at least 8, Paid 5 years at least

Sep 2020

Yes, I have used the program for years and found it works well for my gifted students. It is different from what they are doing in the regular classroom. The students love the national, state and county competitions and now that I can create my own it increases excitement. I think allowing the coin rewards makes it more interactive for teacher and student.

Sandra Lubchenko found Sumdog Maths:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    I use the tests to make sure my students understand and continue to practice key concepts at their grade level and beyond since I have gifted students. A great check on multiplication fact attainment. In remote, I pull up problems that many students got wrong to make sure they understand the concepts. Great for keeping community together, I keep on Microsoft Teams and my students friend each other and play the math games with each other. They can talk to each other during these times while learning math in their separate locations. Love the new diagnostic test feature, really helpful since we do not have any end of year test data, to see how student did with the skills over the summer. I saw areas my students needed more work on. I was able to do an early remote lesson on geometry and prime and composite numbers, concepts my students still had trouble with from Spring data.
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    I find students who use it on a regular basis work hard on the tests and retain more concepts throughout the year. This is evident on the End of Year test data.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Not having to correct the test is so good. In the same class I can pull up students one on one to go through the test. Other students were allowed to play the games so it was a good time for this one to one instruction. Allowed me to fix errors students were making right there and show them how to do it correctly. I do wish I could see the answer they picked wrong, that would help in these one on ones.
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