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What is Binogi?

Binogi is a multilingual digital learning platform designed for primary and secondary students, offering an engaging and accessible way to learn. Binogi provides over 1,000 animated educational videos and interactive quizzes with a focus on STEM subjects.

One of Binogi’s standout features is its multilingual support, with content available in 15 languages, including both text and audio. Students can access content in their strongest language, side-by-side with English, allowing them to build subject knowledge and language skills simultaneously.

Teachers can use Binogi to create dynamic classroom experiences, making lessons more engaging and adapting them to different learning needs. The platform also supports self-directed learning, allowing students to progress at their own pace and reinforcing key concepts through interactive assessments. Binogi is accessible both online and offline, ensuring continuous learning anytime, anywhere.

Since 2014, Binogi has worked closely with research institutes to refine its effectiveness in the areas of cognitive development, translanguaging, and student motivation.

Established in Sweden, Finland, Germany, and Canada, Binogi continues to expand globally, seeking new partnerships and opportunities to make education more engaging and inclusive.

Start your learning journey with Binogi today!

Educational Impact

improve teaching efficiency
increase student collaboration
reduce teacher workload
build student knowledge

Additional evidence

Jun 2023

Towards linguistically and culturally responsive curricula: the potential of reciprocal knowledge in STEM education

May 2020

The future of language education in Europe: case studies of innovative practices

CompanyBusiness Name: Binogi
HQ Location: Sweden
Founded: 2011
Age Range8-10, 11-13, 14-16
FeaturesAdminister AssignmentsInteractive QuizzesVideo LessonsInteractive ExercisesGamified LearningMicrolearning ModulesAssignment ManagementComprehensive Subject CoverageProgress TrackingMobile AccessibilityConcept DatabaseVideo TranscriptionsMultilingual TranscriptionsPerformance AnalyticsReporting & AnalyticsContent SchedulingRole-based Access ControlSso LoginPrivacy ComplianceSecure Data StorageMobile AppOffline FunctionalityDownloadable ContentCustomer SupportSubtitlesTutorials
LanguagesSwedish, Finnish, German, English, Arabic, Spanish; Castilian, French, Russian, Somali, Thai, Tigrinya, Ukrainian, Polish, Turkish
AccessibilityModerate features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy Policy
RequirementsAvailable OfflineInternet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookDesktop - LinuxMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android

‘Available offline’ requires you to be online first to download content that can be used offline later.

Set Up

Single license - 5 minutes

School license - 1 week depending on log in method and amount of training in the price of the license

Trust/Board/Municipality - Setup depends on size and number of users. Usually between 1 week to a month

TrainingIn PersonLive OnlineDocumentationVideos
SupportEmailPhone Support
Home LearningParent Access

School must create the account.

TagsDigital learningmultilingual educationSTEM educationinteractive quizzesadaptive learningcurriculum alignedinclusive educationlanguage learning supporttranslanguagingoffline learningteacher resourcesclassroom learninghome learningeducation researchtechnology in educationeducational accessibility

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Binogi Reviews

4.9 out of 5

from 4 Verified Reviews

Binogi has collected 3 reviews in the past 6 months

User rating



Montserrat Valenzuela Cortes

Director of Faculty / Department

Colegio Entorno, México

Used Binogi month for 1-2 years

Mar 2025

It is a great tool, using it along with an appropriate teaching method. There are technical issues that may be solved.

Montserrat Valenzuela Cortes found Binogi:
  • Slightly builds student knowledge
    It helps with declarative knowledge, since it gives concepts.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    It's a space where teachers can look for specific resources.
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    It depends on the teacher's management. But in a collaborative classroom it cn surely help to construct knowledge.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    It can track students' development.
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Johanna Lindgren

Special Education Teacher

Spira Teoretiska Gymnasium Stora Essingen, Sverige

Used Binogi month for 3-4 years

Mar 2025

Binogi never disappoints me.

Johanna Lindgren found Binogi:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    It’s easier for the students to grab the knowledge because of Binogis short movies
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    It’s easy to find out the level of the students knowledge thanks to Binogi quizzes that comes along with the short movie
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
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Emelie Hahn


Gränbyskolan, Sverige

Used Binogi daily for 5+ years

Mar 2025

I feel that in the various questions, I have provided detailed feedback on the benefits of using Binogi, both for my students and for myself as a teacher. I feel that I cannot think of anything more to write that I have not already mentioned, but I highly recommend Binogi to everyone.

Emelie Hahn found Binogi:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    I teach many students who have a mother tongue other than Swedish and many newly arrived students who have not been in Sweden for long. Binogi helps them build subject-specific language and greatly practice concepts that make it easier for them to grasp the content of the lessons. I can share videos with quizzes and concept training on something we will work on in the next lesson in advance, to facilitate for the students. They can watch the videos multiple times, both in their strongest language and in Swedish, to practice and repeat, as well as consolidate their knowledge.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Actually, the same answer as the previous question. Due to how Binogi is structured, it greatly helps my second language and newly arrived students to have Binogi as a resource both inside and outside the classroom. It makes them more independent in their learning and learning process, and they do not need my help as much, which also makes it easier for me as a teacher, as I have thirty students with different needs and at different knowledge levels in the classroom.
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Yes. Sometimes we watch the films together as an introduction and then discuss the content in pairs and in the whole group. They can collaborate with the quiz as well. We also collaborate in various ways with the subject-specific concepts, for example through memory games or "with other words".
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    We have a number of shorter videos for each theme that are perfect as an introduction to the lesson, before we actively work with the content of the video through concept exercises, quizzes, and other examples that I have already given. Binogi provides the students with a lot of support and the opportunity to develop their subject-specific language. The quizzes are also self-correcting, and as a teacher, I can see the students' results directly on the site.
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