What is real PE?
Supporting primary schools to deliver an outstanding PE curriculum and make a proven impact for every child
Access a FREE 30-day real PE trial today at realpe.co.uk
real PE has been created to:
- develop teacher confidence and expertise.
- increase pupil engagement.
- increase pupil progress.
real PE includes award-winning professional learning including on demand CPD. It provides a unique teaching and learning framework and an outstanding PE curriculum via an interactive teaching platform.
real PE helps support EVERY child to develop the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, Sport and life. The unique, child centred approach and sustainable solution transforms how you teach PE to include, challenge and support EVERY child.
It is fully aligned to National Curriculum, Curriculum for Wales, Ofsted and Estyn requirements. It focuses on the development of Fundamental Movement Skills, healthy competition and cooperative learning through a unique approach to teaching and learning in PE.
Join 2,000 real PE member schools and community of 38,000 teachers creating positive relationships with physical activity for life for EVERY child.
Let's transform PE experiences for EVERY child and teacher at your school.
Educational Impact
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real PE Reviews
from 33 Verified Reviews
User rating
Jan 2024
Kelly found real PE:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“planning all done”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“review questions and progressive skills”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge
- Moderately builds student knowledge

Jan 2024
The reduction of workload has a really positive impact on myself as PE lead and other teachers.
Beth Rothery found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Activity ideas and planning already done”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Provides different ways to teach the fundamental skills”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Teachers are aware of how to progress pupils skills”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“They are aware of what skills they are working on and the success criteria for developing their skills”

Jennie Atkinson
Class teacher and PE Leader
Used real PE weekly for 5 years+
Jan 2024
Most areas of PE are now available on the platform and it shows consistency across the school. Assessment and training is readily available.
Jennie Atkinson found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“All planning is available and all examples of what is needed for the lesson is readily available.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Clear, set activities that improve children's performance.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Skills are broken down clearly and progression is evident.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“They are aware of their next steps and success criteria of how the skill can be achieved.”

Tim Richards
Deputy Headteacher
Used real PE weekly for 3-4 years
Dec 2023
has transformed curriculum PE across both schools I have introduced and worked in
Tim Richards found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“A progressive curriculum, planned and developed that spirals throughout year groups - super. Allows teachers to concentrate on delivering, knowing that the content is correct for their year group and development of their children.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“clear, impactful training relevant by fantastic trainers that is relevant to school setting”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“clearer understanding on expectation and language”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“small steps, progressive model and personal best has allowed them to develop thier knowledge and understanding”

Dec 2023
Great platform - differentiation, inclusion for all, assessment tools if needed and objectives.
Melissa Bryant found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Lesson planning for all teachers and especially those who lack confidence in planning or teaching PE”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Videos and teaching points (relating to all six cogs) are useful for teachers to ensure precise and specific vocabulary is used. Modelling - videos and pupil view of the platform are useful. Allows teachers to see set up time and use time efficiently in the lesson to do this.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“As above”
- Significantly builds student knowledge

Dec 2023
The product has developed year on year, and gives the ability to be really assist and enhance pupils
Joshua Jordon found real PE:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Staff are able to check resourcing and be able to log on and teach in a short amount of time. Staff can also look ahead of time and visually see where the next lesson goes and can engage with learners.”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“NA”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge“Teachers have a clearer understanding of how we teach the lessons and engage with the learners.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Children have a greater understanding of the FMS and how they are incorporated into the learning , they can recall information and how we it can be transferred between sports and from lesson to lesson”

Dec 2023
While REAL PE is great for fundamental skills and the different learning behaviours, as a new teacher it is a LOT to get your head round and as PE lead, the website can sometimes be hard to navigate/documents are missing, which has lead to inefficiencies.
Jess found real PE:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Lessons are planned for, challenges planned for, resource list made - but this is under the assumption that the school has the equipment and if not then changes have to be made”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Lessons are to the point and engaging”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge“The progression of the physical literacy elements has been great to see and it'll be interesting to see how the children develop now that REAL PE is more embedded as the years go along. Teachers now have a better understanding of why the fundamental skills are so important.”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Students have been able to use previous learning to inform new skills being taught and seen the links and why we have done the lessons in the order we have done”

Dec 2023
We love the program. Our concerns moving forward is the running costs; particularly as a small school. We are unable to see how we can sustain and continue using the program.
Sian Wilkinson found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“All lessons have been planned and all resources are laid out clearly. I know exactly what the lesson should look like before I teach it.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Having all the resources laid out clearly. Clear plan”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge“I feel that I now have a deeper understanding of the fundamental skills”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Pupils are able to make good connections and see where they'd be able to able their skills in real life situations.”

Dec 2023
Nothing is perfect!
Sarah Atkins found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“No PE planning needed. All resources included for assessment are within the content, online or you can print out a paper copy.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Time spent prepping for PE dropped significantly thus making more efficient use of a teacher's time.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Ongoing CPD training online.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“They are knowledgeable about FUNS and declarative and procedural knowledge of each unit.”

Dec 2023
It makes my life as a subject lead easier; I know what is being delivered and how it is being delivered!
Alison Stelling found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Easier planning, easier monitoring and assessment, much easier to coordinate a subject”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Teachers know what to teach and have very limited need to plan for hours on end - lessons are effective for all!”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Teachers have a wide lesson bank with a range of differentiation for all needs”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“vocabulary and skill base expanded”

Emily Mason
EYFS Lead/ Reception class teacher/ SENDCo/ PE Lead/ MFL Lead
Used real PE weekly for 1-2 years
Dec 2023
We find that real pe has helped us to transform how we teach PE in our school and given our teachers a wealth of CPD, helping to improve their confidence in the subject and their knowledge of the subject as well as ensuring accurate assessment of all pupils.
Emily Mason found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Less planning and developing resources”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Teachers are confident teaching PE through real PE and can ensure progress for all children and accurate assessment”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Teachers are more knowledgeable of the FMS and progression of these skills”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Children know how to challenge themselves and succeed in PE. They can identify their strengths and areas for improvement”

Dec 2023
I have found real PE to be an extremely accessible, supportive and effective resource for all types of teachers, no matter their ability. You can deliver high quality PE by just scratching the surface of the platform, but can also provide outstanding lessons consistently by accessing the futher features, which accelerate learning and have lasting impact.
Beccy Cresswel found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The platform is so straightforward to use, with all kinds of support just a 'click' away. The consistency of all programmes makes using this so simple for teachers, no matter what their previous experience or skill set is with teaching PE. This ultimately saves time whilst providing an accessible way to deliver high quality teaching and learning.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“As above”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Features such as the FMS button provides the how and the why for teachers to use in their delivery, giving a deeper understanding which, in turn, impacts positively on learning.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Sharing the how and why from the FMS icon deepens understanding for the pupils too.”

Dec 2023
It's the best scheme out there in terms of it's inclusivity and the impact it has regarding lifelong enjoyment/uptake of physical activity.
Andrea Adamson found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“No need for additional planning- everything you need is on the app at your fingertips.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Teacher are more skilled at delivering PE”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Teachers are knowledgeable about fundamental movement skills and the impact of holistic approach that real PE follows upon our pupils”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Children can confidently discuss knowledge of how and what in relation to skills and say what they need to do to improve in their learning.”

Susie Horsfield
PE leader
Used real PE daily for 1-2 years
Dec 2023
It's a high-quality scheme of learning that is accessible and adaptable. It also offers opportunities for CPD via 'my learning' as well as assessment term on term.
Susie Horsfield found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The lessons are ready to go and can be modified to suit all learners.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“All resources are ready and give support teachers to consider their practice to ensure progression as well as extend the development of the students into independent, but sociable learners.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Fundamental skills are developed to complement requirements of how children holistically improve their skills and physical strengths from EYFS to Year 6. The scheme is clearly progressive and easy to access- with prior learning and next steps available.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“The lessons are progressive and encourages dialogue and questioning to reflect on learning and progress.”

Nov 2023
I have used this in a previous school and saw a positive impact in staff and pupil engagement in PE. Teachers are often nervous of teaching PE and have very little quality subject knowledge as teacher training around PE is not always good. Real PE demonstrates the learning to the teachers, increases their confidence and in turn improves outcomes.
Clare Lodge found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Teachers express that the lessons are clearly mapped out and adapting them for the needs of the children is easy.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Real PE is a 'one stop shop', for teaching and assessment”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“The videos are particularly useful”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“As the teaching is more effective the pupil knowledge will automatically increase”

Nov 2023
It's a fun, simple to use resource that redesigns the way PE is taught.
Gavin found real PE:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Lesson plans are prescriptive but easily adaptable. The visual resources are fun and engaging, meaning children remain focused on the task.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“RealPE offers a more holistic approach to physical skills and personal progress. It helps the teacher become more aware of basic skills needed from co-ordination to balance.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Children are more aware of their strengths and which areas they need to develop.”

Nov 2023
I like it
Phil Sharkey found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Planning and Progression of Skills completed”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Easy to access and use by all staff”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Training Videos and 1:1 CPD”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Progression of skills through the cogs and coloured videos”

Nov 2023
Clear and easy to follow, provides everything needed for effective teaching focusing on skills based so accessible to all.
Gabriella Stewart found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Planning and preparation ready to be used. Modelling ready to use from videos. Key questions available and assessment objectives provided.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Clear structure to lessons, allows for knowledge, skills and application in a logical way.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Specific skills to focus on cogs, key vocabulary and questions provided. Modelling examples using videos.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Understanding of key vocabulary, skills needed to succeed. Understanding cog objectives needed to succeed in sport.”

Nov 2023
Everything you need for a lesson is provided , allows inclusion and supported learning - activities provide assessment opportunities without children feeling pressure . Maybe “game” extension lessons could be something to be considered ( where children demonstrate skills within a game to aid inclusion . )
Donna found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Grab and go lessons - everything on a screen to aid and support a lesson at short notice at times”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Well paced and guides you through each lesson to make a positive impact for every child at their own level”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Allows all children to be included at their own level .”

Nov 2023
It teaches children through the core fundamentals
Jayne Flower found real PE:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“All resources (apart from equipment) available in one place”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Staff secure and teach with progression”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Monitoring students shows this”

Jun 2023
I have recently had the wonderful pleasure of a deep dive in PE from ofsted with a great result of 'good' across all areas and excellent subject knowledge as a PE lead. I genuinely believe that this was possible through the support of Real PE platform and supporting documents. Training and evaluative lesson plans to hand, that I was confident in my PE curriculum, to articulate and demonstrate through lesson observations the immense impact that Real PE has on all children's physical literacy and personal development.
Anne Davies found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Planning and differentiation of lesson plans could not be any more simpler to follow. Saving time and energy finding resources to suit all levels. The videos are particularly useful to support individual learning pathways. I have complete confidence in the programme for all year bands across all areas, dance, PE, gym.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“All resources at fingertips used on either an ipad of laptop. Ability to see the terms curriculum map for forward planning.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“The new my learning is amazing to improve teachers knowledge at a pace that fits around individual life styles. It is progressive, easy to follow and allows you to revisit as many times as you like.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Student knowledge is progressive throughout each lesson through the reviews and questions alongside the learning outcomes for each session. It allows the teacher to focus on the specific needs for the group.”

Jun 2023
I have sat with PE leads and personally recommended the platform out. It's not so much about the actual platform but the support I have received from Matt and Rupert. When I ad Ofsted, they were the first people I phoned, the support me to not only support my school but progress with my confidence and my own career too. They have always listened to me and supported any issues I have had. They have always been on the other end of a phone when I have become stuck and they are so inspiring when they enter the school. Children look up to them and teachers want to teach like them. Teachers at my school feel incredibly confident now with teaching PE, when we started this journey, PE was our weakest area of the curriculum. In October, my Headteacher put PE forward to Ofsted as it is now our strongest. The platform is great and there is support for every single area possible. 1-1 meetings are always so supportive of the schools journey. Meetings with other RealPE members is beneficial so we can all discuss new aspects of the platform or discuss new problems/solutions. I cannot recommend RealPE enough - they have been fantastic.
Imogen Knowles found real PE:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Teachers have the plans and resources in front of them - they don't need to think about new ideas.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Teachers feel confident and the support from Matt and Rupert have helped improve the quality of teaching in person.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“All the key skills are there. There are questions to support their learning.”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Children have questions asked to them - more of student knowledge would be good though. Key words etc.”

Oct 2020
Every aspect of the programme is wonderful and includes fantastic training too. The Create Tutor motivated and engaged the entire team, and had a clear passion for changing the nation's culture and attitudes - this really shone through. The values-led approach is very different to traditional PE approaches and will really allow every child and every member of staff to flourish, regardless of their own ability, and they demonstrated everything in action. On top of all this, the teaching resources and assessment materials will drastically cut workload and ensure we are delivering very high quality PE across school. The team were left energised, confident and raring to go. We cannot thank Create enough.
Nicky Clarke found real PE:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“The values-led approach is very different to traditional PE approaches and will really allow every child to flourish.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“The teaching resources and assessment materials will drastically cut workload and ensure we are delivering very high quality PE across school.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The teaching resources and assessment materials will drastically cut workload and ensure we are delivering very high quality PE across school.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“The real PE training left the team energised, confident and raring to go. The values-led approach is very different to traditional PE approaches and will really allow every member of staff to flourish, regardless of their own ability, and everything was demonstrated everything in action. The teaching resources and assessment materials will support staff to deliver very high quality PE across school.”

May 2020
For those families that take up the programme at home it is brilliant but the uptake is not always great.
Lynsey Millar found real PE at home:
- Slightly builds student knowledge“Nope”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“Teachers who have previously hated teaching PE are enjoying the simplicity and clarity of using Jasmine to deliver great sessions to children in school.”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Teachers no longer have to send detailed instructions home and can simply send a link and Jasmine does the work for them.”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills“For teachers with children at home accessing the different year groups allows them to see the progression of the programme.”

Apr 2020
Since using Jasmine we have seen a great improvement in our teaching and learning in PE. It is clear for pupils and staff while being able to spend time practising skills and positive learning behaviours.
Callie Gregory found Jasmine:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“It allows children to see what they are working on and their next steps. It clearly shows what they children need to do to achieve.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“Jasmine allows you to follow a teaching sequence to allow children to develop their FUNs movements and learning cogs. It gives you a clear progression in each sessions as well as over a half term. It also allows you to have freedom to adapt your teaching to suit you.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Jasmine has everything you need in one place which allows teacher to know the expectations of lessons and where they need to get the children to. We have tried to ensure that teacher spend time looking at Jasmine before a session to get the best out of it rather than using it as a pick up and teach resource.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“Jasmine allows teachers to break down skills into different steps which makes is simple to understand and allows skills to build.”