60 Second Histories
Lyndon McErlaine

Head of History

Crickhowell High School, Wales

Used 60 Second Histories for 2 years

Apr 2020

I find the range of characters to be vast, and I can always find an example for what I am teaching about. My students respond well to Kevin’s style of delivery. It provides a genuine spark.

Lyndon McErlaine found 60 Second Histories:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Students find it easier to recall events as this gives them a hook. Also, this method is often a useful way to launch a topic.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    The range of Kevin’s characters is so vast, I believe that most areas are covered. The library saves time for me to search for something.
  • Moderately saves school money
    Time is one. The amount of time saved is invaluable. Also, we purchase fewer expensive textbooks.
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