Review of Tassomai
Tahmina Akhtar

Maths teacher

Bishop Challoner Catholic Federation of Schools, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Used Tassomai monthly for 4-6 months

Sep 2022

Student and teacher really enjoy using tassomia and helps teachers work load

Tahmina Akhtar found Tassomai:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Student can practice their skill while teacher mark their books or homework.
  • Slightly provides school data
    You can see how much students have improved and where there are at in their score for a particular topic
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    They are practising the skills they have learned which help them to remember the basic skill need to teacher harder topics
  • Significantly improves attainment
    students enjoy using tassomai and increase their love for maths
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    if they have got a questions wrong they are able to get it right the next time round and learn from their mistakes
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