Review of Tassomai
Gavin Terry

Head of Science

British International School, Phuket, Thailand

Used Tassomai weekly for 7–12 months

Aug 2022

I have already recommended it to Maths and English as well as the trial for Business and Computer Science. It definitely suits certain subjects more than others.

Gavin Terry found Tassomai:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Using it as homework assignments reduces time spent marking work and allows teachers to focus their attention on where there are gaps in a students understanding
  • Significantly provides school data
    We have been able to get an idea of how much time students are committing to the subject independently. We can see how many questions are being answered, the accuracy of those answers, and which topics within a Science subject students are answering easily or having difficulty with.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Establishing routines with Tassomai has helped. Whether it is being used as a starter, plenary, or for homework, it allows a quick assessment of every individual in the class and provides an independent resource for students to use.
  • Slightly improves attainment
    It is perhaps a little early for us to see this yet - we may know more once the IGCSE results come out. In shorter term end of unit tests I haven't seen a noticeable increase in attainment. Having said that, students do appreciate the additional revision resource. It should help with our CIE IGCSE Paper 1/2 as these are multiple choice.
  • Slightly builds student knowledge
    Tassomai is great at testing student knowledge and identifying areas of weakness to both the teacher and the student. Given it creates a unique learning experience for each student it helps them to focus on areas they need to. There is often a tendency for some students to simply repeatedly guess. If it had a feature where there is a simple explanation of why an answer is correct or incorrect it would have a bigger impact.
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