Review of Tassomai
Holly Bradshaw

Curriculum Leader

Marple Hall School, England

Used Tassomai daily for 3-4 years

Jul 2024

Tassomai has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on pupil effort and progress whilst simultaneously reducing teacher workload and allowing staff to amend their teaching to take account of misconceptions and tricky areas for pupils. Checking homework couldn't be easier which has also had a positive impact on communication with parents and carers. The whole team at tassomai are friendly, efficient and innovative - they are a pleasure to work with!

Holly Bradshaw found Tassomai:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Homework is set in a matter of seconds each week and yet is truly tailored and meaningful for each pupil. Tassomai is user friendly and makes checking completion and quality of homework really simple. By using technology to deliberately target the areas pupils need to work on more, it feeds back information to help with lesson planning and specific pupil intervention, cutting out hours of trawling through data manually.
  • Significantly provides school data
    We use the data from tassomai on a daily basis to measure pupil engagement with not only homework but also independent learning. This is then communicated with parents/carers on a regular basis. We also use information on the accuracy of answers to inform lesson planning and individual intervention with particular students.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    The data that tassomai provides on both individual pupils and classes as a whole can be used to great effect planning lessons e.g informing retrieval practise starter tasks and forming synoptic links for overlearning. The fact that tassomai enables this with minimal admin time has had an overwhelmingly positive effect on teacher work/life balance as well as pupil engagement.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    We fundamentally believe that tassomai has played a key role in ensuring that our GCSE exam results for Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Combined Science have all been above the National average at grades 4+ and 7+ for the past 2 years.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Pupils have a much better overview of each subject as a whole and how one topic can relate to another. They are in excellent habits during their retrieval practise starter questions each lesson and are much more confident when completing independent practise questions.
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