Review of Tassomai
Nicky Crum

Subject Improvement Lead - Science


Used Tassomai for 12 months

May 2020

There are many positive elements to Tassomai which have made supporting our students and staff within schools far more effective. The students are provided with up to date feedback and can address areas of misconception or gaps in knolwedge. For staff, assessment of students is fedback quickly and the information can be used to provide effective and timely interventions to address potential areas of concern.

Nicky Crum found Tassomai:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    By regular exposure to science content, students become more familiar with key concepts and application of knolwedge. This imporves confidence and so students begin to build up examination resiliance
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Regular exposure to content that students find more difficult allows them to build thier knowledge and understanding up quickly. The personalised feedback from Tassomai allows teachers to work on bespoke interventions with their students and as a class if there are obvious gaps in knowledge.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Tassomai makes assessing student understanding incredibly simple and does the hard work for staff. Bespoke feedback on individuals as well as whole class and cohort ensures that interventions can be in place quickly to address misconceptions or gaps in knowledge.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Tassomai can be set as homework or as additional support work for students. As the program is constantly assessing the users, the marking element is removed for teachers allowing them to spend thier time creating enrichment and intervention materials.
  • Significantly provides school data
    The data that Tassomai produces is realtime data and is used across our schools to support with accurate assessment of our students.The program also provides bespoke feedback to parents to allow for regular dialogue between school and home
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