Review of Alps
John Davies

Assistant Head Academic

Used Alps monthly for 5 years+

May 2023

ALPS have been very reliable and quick to answer phone calls. Software really helps us and is very user friendly. We use ALPS for A Level but are now also moving away from CEM at GCSE to ALPS.

Reply from Alps:Thank you for your review John. It's great to hear you are happy with Alps and now moving to KS4 aswell. Please let us know if there is any further support you need.
John Davies found Alps:
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    After the monitoring report we have departmental meeting to focus on necessary strategies
  • Slightly improves school processes
    Extra assessments have been used if the monitoring grades reveal concerns
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Helps drag up the tail when identified in the monitoring grades.
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