Review of Alps
Lewis Thomas

Pastoral Lead

St Julian's School, Wales

Used Alps month for 5+ years

Feb 2025

It is easy to use and the colour coding makes it easy to identify areas of improvement from subject to student. Students are aware of their MEGS therefore know if they are underperforming. Finally, it allows teachers to identify and monitor student progression, linked to socio economic factors.

Reply from Alps:Hello Lewis, Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your feedback and we are delighted to hear that Alps has had such a significant impact for yourself and your students. We wish you every continued success for the future. Best wishes, All the team at Alps
Lewis Thomas found Alps:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Identify of underperforming students enabling interventions to be placed to improve attainment
  • Significantly improves school processes
    During data captures (3) all students are categorised in relation to social factors and underperformance to enable interventions and support programmes. Information shared with HoDs and student progress monitored.
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    Teachers are aware of MEGs and how increases in grades can improve outcomes.
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