Tes Safeguarding (EduCare)
Shagufta Nezami


PACE British School, United Arab Emirates

Used Tes Safeguarding (EduCare) occasionally for 3-4 years

Sep 2024

A score of 9 typically indicates a strong level of performance or understanding. It suggests that the work meets most criteria very well, with only minor areas that could be improved.

Shagufta Nezami found Tes Safeguarding (EduCare):
  • Does not provide school data
    School data impact includes trends in attendance, test scores, and discipline records, helping identify areas for improvement. Also, enrollment data affects funding and resources available to the school
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Teacher knowledge can be impacted by professional development opportunities that enhance teaching skills and subject understanding.
  • Moderately improves school processes
    School processes can be impacted by data analysis that informs decision-making, such as improving curriculum based on student performance.
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Practicing mindfulness can reduce anxiety and enhance focus.
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Tes Safeguarding (EduCare)
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