Review of Eedi
Rebecca Kirkman

Director of Mathematics

Used Eedi weekly for 7–12 months

Dec 2022

As a teacher I find it easy to use, it saves me time, it provides support for all students in homework tasks and ICT based lessons, builds independent learning skills in students, motivates students (prize draws), and involves parents - what more can we ask?

Rebecca Kirkman found Eedi:
  • Significantly saves school money
    There is no subscription for EEDI and so we may not renew other subscriptions later this year (possible saving of £500). We also use EEDI Tutor Plus to provide catch up intervention for 100 students for 12 months - we couldn't support this many students with other tutor-type interventions.
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    1) Setting a homework task that is diagnostic allows you to save time on planning "checking prior knowledge" lessons, particularly at the beginning of KS4 units. You can pitch where to start a unit of work much more effectively. 2) Using EEDI for a lesson in a computer room allows many students to receive help/guidance within the lesson, far more than an individual teacher. It often happens that within a lesson EEDI can target 100+ misconceptions. The analysis afterwards allows me to target the remaining few misconceptions in my next lesson. This is usually done as an alternative starter activity for the specific students that need it. 3) Using EEDI Tutor Plus has reduced teacher workload as most students are able to complete the intervention at home, either independently or with parent support. This has reduced the need for teachers to work during lunchtimes and after-school. This time is now targeted at students who need the support/guidance in school.
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    I do think that there will be a positive impact on the attainment gap. We piloted the software with two sets in the spring/summer terms 2021-22. It has now been rolled out to all year groups. We are just finishing our first assessment cycle so analysis will be available shortly.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    As above: 1) Setting a homework task that is diagnostic allows you to save time on planning "checking prior knowledge" lessons, particularly at the beginning of KS4 units. You can pitch where to start a unit of work much more effectively. 2) Using EEDI for a lesson in a computer room allows many students to receive help/guidance within the lesson, far more than an individual teacher. It often happens that within a lesson EEDI can target 100+ misconceptions. The analysis afterwards allows me to target the remaining few misconceptions in my next lesson. This is usually done as an alternative starter activity for the specific students that need it. 3) Using the White Rose Homework tasks is quick, easy and efficient at KS3
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    One of the sets that we piloted EEDI with from February 2022 made and average of 0.8 grades of progress during the year. Some of this progress is down to using EEDI as it targets students' conceptual understanding rather than procedural understanding
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