Review of MathsWatch
Mrs Pamela Leon

Head of Maths

Used MathsWatch daily for 5 years+

Feb 2023

It's straight forward, gives teachers autonomy over what questions to set, like the exam papers, easy to see students progress, students prefer it to Hegarty!

Reply from MathsWatch:Dear Pamela , thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review. Happy to hear that our platform is having a positive impact on both teachers and students.
Mrs Pamela Leon found MathsWatch:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Easy to set bespoke home work for classes, easy to check whether students have engaged with the HW, Easy to reward students - love the leader boards,
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    Homework barriers are easier to address - every day maths homework drop in staffed by maths teachers for students who can't do it at home, use of school rewards system linked with mathswatch leader boards and individual progress reports, instant feedback when doing the homework so they know the question in correct or not, students can instigate feedback - they like being able to ask questions, maths mathswatch homework is predictable so students get used to the routine of weekly HW
  • Significantly provides school data
    We use it to inform the tracking when considering whether students are meeting our expectations
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Students who do their homework regularly do better, we set revision tasks for assessments - students who do this do better than those who don't!
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