Review of Purple Mash
Purple Mash
Helen Worrall

Year 4 Class Teacher - Computing Lead

Used Purple Mash weekly for 5 years+

May 2022

Easy to use. Huge amounts of flexibility and cross-curricular usage.

Helen Worrall found Purple Mash:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Particularly in the computing curriculum, the progression is clear, the resources are high-quality and easily adaptable.
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    Children are getting more and more competent at using the collaboration tools such as 2Connect.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Marking is incredibly easy and children can respond! Excellent!
  • Moderately improves parent engagement
    It's easier for parents to see what their child is doing in school now rather than rely on a tired child relaying their day.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    We are using Purple Mash increasingly effectively as a homework platform to reinforce learning that has happened in school.
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Purple Mash
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