Real Fast Reports
Phil Waterworth

Primary Assistant Principal

GEMS Wellington Academy - Al Khail, United Arab Emirates

Used Real Fast Reports occasionally for 0–3 months

May 2023

The system has revolutionised the report writing process. Saved teachers ample time. Allowed for more personalised feedback comments. Would 100% recommend this system to other schools.

Phil Waterworth found Real Fast Reports:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Teachers write report comments in bullet point format. AI then turns the bullets into personalised reports in perfect prose. Teachers spend more time thinking about the personalisation aspect of the report writing process. This has significantly decreased the time it takes to write end-of-year student report comments.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    The system has allowed teachers to focus on meaningful feedback to students rather than writing in full prose.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Reduced teacher workload. Significantly enhanced the proof-reading aspect of reports.
  • Slightly improves parent engagement
    No feedback on this aspect as of yet.
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