Review of Schudio
Tom Abraham

Deputy Headteacher

Used Schudio weekly for 3-4 years

Nov 2024

The design and the functionality of the websites they provide are second-to-none. The ease of updating the website is also incredibly useful, and the training that is on-demand is also very supportive. There is always someone available to speak to and no job is too big for them.

Tom Abraham found Schudio:
  • Slightly saves school money
    Sending messages out to parents via the app.
  • Slightly reduces teacher workload
    We don't necessarily use this feature, but adding news onto website directly rather than uploading several posts to newsletters.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Automatic reminders for policy renewal. Vacancy posting on the website directly.
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    School app Newsletter Uploading useful parent guides Slicker, easier to use platform
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