What is IRIS Adapt?
IRIS Adapt is a unique pupil information management tool, providing in-depth analysis on pupil incidents, interventions, accidents and more with one powerful tracking system. IRIS Adapt allows schools to record and analyse any incident data you need - and, unlike other systems with only limited customisation, each data capture screen is fully customised to your requirements - using your own familiar language, layout and workflow. Tailored email and text notifications will keep all your staff informed and involved. Full version monitoring and fine-grained access control ensure that all your information remains secure and confidential.
IRIS Adapt is used in a range of different settings, mainly in the specialist provision sector, where one size does not fit all. Users of IRIS Adapt include local authorities, specialist provision (SEND) schools, PRUs and a range of maintained and independent alternative provision as well as mainstream primary.
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IRIS Adapt Reviews
from 21 Verified Reviews
User rating
Dec 2023
So easy to tweak things with the compnay compared to something like cpoms
Simon found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“easy to fill in forms that can be adapted as needs change”
- Significantly provides school data“able to report much more effectively”
- Significantly improves school processes“Allows clear pictures to be worked out from data”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Able to monitor classes and issues very effectively”

Jun 2023
Iris adapt has been a really useful tool and has most definitely brought value to our offer. I am keen to see what additional developments are on the horizon, especially around analysing a presenting data to wider audiences.
Stu Lambert found IRIS Adapt:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Previously the use of paper incident forms meant that staff were having to hand write forms and pass them to line managers for review. These forms went back and forwards until they were filed by admin. Having on online portal that retains all of this information and allows collaboration and easy analysis, reduces the cognitive load.”
- Significantly provides school data“Within a Special School setting it is important to have the data around dysregulation to consider trends and themes. This allows us to adapt strategies and respond with interventions or changes to provision. Following these adaptations we can then go back to the data and consider how effective these changes were.”
- Significantly improves school processes“By analysing learner level and school level data we can consider certain CPD for staff. Data from IRIS will also shape a learners PLP.”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Iris doesn't so much directly impact on behaviour but it provides us with a tool that enables us to unpick behaviour and dynamically react to themes and trends.”

Jun 2023
easy to use, efficient system, triangulates information, specific behaviour tracking as well as bound book and other elements such as first aid, accidents etc
Shelley found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“quick easy to use system that is prepopulated with details to use”
- Significantly provides school data“quick analysis to filter regarding specific data sets”
- Significantly improves school processes“triangulation of information”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“tracking of behaviour enables early identification and intervention”

May 2023
IRIS has been well embedded across our school and is user friendly. The staff who work for IRIS are easily contactable and are very willing to support and improve our forms. You can guarantee a prompt response when wanting customise the forms on IRIS to suit our schools' needs. Our reporting system has improved dramatically since using IRIS Adapt! I would highly recommend to other schools. For future improvements, I would like to possibly see an app being developed for IRIS so that it is more user friendly on a tablet device. I would also like to see a function where you can select multiple records to print at any one time. Thank you :)
Michelle Bull found IRIS Adapt:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Although it doesn't necessarily reduce teacher workload for the staff, it is a much more efficient system to use that our previous paper based records.”
- Significantly provides school data“IRIS adapt allows us to report to School Governors of incidents, relating to specific behaviours. We track progress through IRIS adapt, identifying decrease in behaviour incidents for individuals, classes and groups. The data allows for us to see trends and put interventions in place.”
- Significantly improves school processes“Everything is digital and easily accessible. It is individual to our school. IRIS Adapt is well embedded across the school and is part of our everyday routines and procedures. Everything is in one place making it user friendly, including behaviour logs, significant information, CPD, accident/ injury, parent contact etc.”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Behaviour is recorded, tracked and monitored through IRIS. Trends and triggers can be analysed which informs our Risk Reduction Plans to support individual students. Interventions and further support/ provision can be put into place to support our young learners. In turn, we see reductions in behaviours.”

Apr 2023
It is proving to be an excellent system that meets our needs really well, and has transformed the way we can look at and use data. The team has been exceptional in supporting us to set it up, and has been creative and innovative in finding bespoke solutions to our specific data needs.
Sarah McKay found IRIS Adapt:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Efficient recording of behaviour incidents reduces time demands on teachers. The ability to analyse patterns in behaviour enables us to put supports in place effectively and minimises the impact across the day. We are also able to share therapy reports easily and key information about students is available instantly and in one place, which streamlines all our processes.”
- Significantly provides school data“In whole school briefings at the end of each day we are able to look at any incidents that have happened and immediately put a plan in place where necessary. Over the longer term we are able to track patterns in behaviours and more effectively identify triggers. From a therapy perspective, we are able to monitor the supports we provide to students to ensure we are providing an equitable service.”
- Significantly improves school processes“Recording of information is quick and easy, and we can easily view information about a particular student and track any patterns or concerns. Information sharing between staff is much clearer. We are able to record Therapy notes efficiently thanks to the bespoke pages that the team developed for us.”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“We can record the provisions being provided to each student (e.g. wellbeing sessions, mentoring, art therapy, Speech and Language, Occupational therapy) and can easily view which students are receiving which therapies at a given time. This, coupled with the detailed behaviour analysis, helps us to ensure that students are receiving the right support at the right time.”

Apr 2023
It has met our needs so far and we have been really impressed.
Gareth Hicks found IRIS Adapt:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“As the systems are tailored to the specific needs of school, the recording process is streamlined and takes less time.”
- Significantly provides school data“Allows detailed insights of behaviour trends to support intervention.”
- Significantly improves school processes“IRIS is adapted to work for school rather than the other way round, as we have found with previous platforms/software”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Behaviour trends can be spotted quickly and efficently addressed”

Apr 2023
really useful system that can be used to triangulate, monitor and set targets against for development of behaviour
shelley campbell found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“reduces need for recording on paper and storage, accessing records quickly from anywhere so less time consuming”
- Significantly provides school data“easy data retrieval and analysis for behaviours within the school and ease of reporting on”
- Significantly improves school processes“triangulates the behaviour, communication and other records if needed”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“monitored daily so behaviour lead can follow up on behaviours to ensure all policies are followed”

Apr 2023
Outstanding functionality bit also amazing on-going support from the team at IrisAdapt.
Steve found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Reporting of issues such as behaviour, aciidents, safeguarding etc is more efficient.”
- Significantly provides school data“Data analysis directly informs behavioiural support”
- Significantly improves school processes“More efficient reporting.”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Data informs good practice and provides evidential base.”

Apr 2023
The tech team are brilliant, the software is adaptable and bespoke to every school. Ed and Seb are brilliant. I have introduced IRIS into my last 3 schools. i have never met a staff member who does not like it- or wants to go back to (my concern, excel tracking, paper based logging etc)
Jane found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“TAs & teachers no longer need to look for hard copies of accident, incident, behaviour books. Teachers can record and leadership can track easily.”
- Significantly provides school data“The software is so easy to use and it helps the leadership team monitor so much, yet so easily! H&S, Safeguarding, Near misses, Accidents, Behaviour, Pupil Progress and so much more all in one place. Pupil premium is now effectively reviewed and headteacher governor reports are so easy to pull together.”
- Significantly improves school processes“No more excuses! All staff have access to a PC- so everyone is held to account when it comes to recording essential information. It is easy to use so even the most tech phobic staff get on board (eventually!)”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“The data is so easy to draw on- we can easily identify key pupils, trends in lessons/times of day. This helps us plan / staff better and also address quality of teaching and care at these times of day. The data directly leads our decisions on CPD and SDP”

Mar 2023
Iris Adapt is a very good system that we are develop according to our need. Support from Iris Adapt staff has been very good.
Jacqueline Hanna-Jones found IRIS Adapt:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“The data provided by Iris Adapt can support teachers in developing strategies that allow them to teach more effectively by managing behaviours.”
- Significantly provides school data“I use data generated by Iris Adapt to keep teachers updated regularly to inform strategies and behaviour plans, report to SLT weekly to identify pupils that need close monitoring and to Governors termly to report on progress.”
- Significantly improves school processes“Pupil needs identified can then be analysed and contributes to the development of the school improvement e.g. sensory circuits in the morning.”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“We are able to rag rate incidences so that we can put the right amount of support in.”

Mar 2023
Sophie found IRIS Adapt:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload
- Significantly provides school data“We can now effectively track attendance”
- Significantly improves school processes“WE can keep all records in one place”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing

Mar 2023
Seb and Ed are always so helpful and reply to our enquiries straight away.
Claire found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload
- Significantly provides school data
- Significantly improves school processes“Seb and Ed are always at the end of an email or phone when we need help either navitigating around the portal or if we need amend/add or change the tabs to our own school specific needs”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Yes, as we are able to deep dive and analyse the data it can generate for our pupils”

Mar 2023
I have found it easy to use. The support you get from the team at iris adapt is second to none and the speed in which they deal with things is amazing.
Martyn Nash found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It is easy to collate data from the system. The drop down boxes makes it easier for completing the forms.”
- Significantly provides school data“Use for CiC, CiN, CYPMHS meetings to show issues the students are having. Gathering data for internal meetings to show areas for development and also to find strategies to implement to help improve outcomes for students.”
- Significantly improves school processes“Enables data to be shared at meetings quickly it also allows us to share good quality information quickly to outside agencies.”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Enables staff to identify and try strategies to promote well-being.”

Mar 2023
The system is incredibly easy to use in terms of data input and the ability to create reports at individual, class or whole school level. Report can be created in minutes, with clear and easy to understand graphs and tables. Our initial system was built bespoke for us to need our unique needs as a school and is full customisable, only requiring an email request and this is completed in a matter of minutes. Other professionals have commented on how useful and informative the information we are able to pull of the system is in supporting transitions to next phase, or supporting safe prescribing inline with the STAMP initiative. This system has revolutionised the amount of time I as a Behaviour lead spend on analysing and interpreting behaviour data in order to create reports for a range of audiences including Ofsted. IRISAdapt is incredibly good value for money and I would highly recommend this product without reservation.
Dave Jones found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“quicker to complete incident reports”
- Significantly provides school data“Incredibly easy to pull off data for reports for individual and whole school trends and patterns in respect of behaviour, physical intervention and seclusion use”
- Significantly improves school processes“All behaviour reports are read and signed off by a senior leader. This process allow us to identify CPD needs, follow up incidents with staff teams and use the data we gather to share with other professionals to support safe prescribing”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“By being able to clearly identify antecedents /triggers for incidents of challenging behaviour we are able to design support plans to help staff and pupils manage these situations while teaching the skills needed to reduce the need for the behaviours or alter the environment, scheduling or presentation of demands. the clear recording of physical interventions and seclusion have ensured that staff understand that they need to be able to demonstrate a clear rationale for using these approaches, and that these will be challenged when required by senior leaders. The introduction of the seclusion tab has resulted in a more transparent system for when isolating a child for any period of time and has supported a change in practice across the the school resulting in a significant reduction in the use of this strategy”

Debra Hall
Vocational Qualifications Administration Manager
Used IRIS Adapt daily for 4-6 months
Mar 2023
We have been given a system that is bespoke to our needs. The company as worked hard to ensure it is right for us. Since it arrived, the company has worked every day on adding and editing the system to further suit our needs. Any changes I ask for are instigated within the hour. I can highly recommend the system and the service.
Debra Hall found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Information is to hand on the database, rather than search through several speadsheets”
- Significantly provides school data“Data is entered by admin staff and is correct. Tutors before were keeping their own data and it was often incorrect.”
- Significantly improves school processes“Groups are better organised. Qualifications are recorded so that tutors know which part of the scheme of work is required by each individual student.”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Everyday the admin and the team are confident that the data on the system is correct and informs decisions.”

Mar 2023
Makes it very easy to be data driven to find solutions.
Liam Battison found IRIS Adapt:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“It takes time to complete the various forms”
- Significantly provides school data“Easy to track”
- Significantly improves school processes“Behaviour is tracked. Communication is recorded. clubs are monitored”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing“Able to pinpoint particualr students for interventions”

Andrew Edwards
Executive Headteacher
Used IRIS Adapt daily for 5 years+
Mar 2023
So easy to use, so adaptable and flexible, great value for money, super after sales support. Certainly fills a current gap in the market.
Andrew Edwards found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Extremely quick and simple platform for keeping track of and analysing essential records for effective school management.”
- Significantly provides school data“Effective reports to Governors, evidence to parents, teacher staff performance reviews.....”
- Significantly improves school processes“As above. We rely totally on Iris Adapt for so many areas! Essential software for us.”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Provides excellent analysis and evidence for behaviour tracking. Enables staff the opportunity to alert management of parents contact which may be flagged as 'confrontational' or 'aggressive'”

Jun 2020
I have used IRIS in three different schools and have often recommended it to others.
Alan Braven found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“The ease of input of data and the high level analysis helps us to target our support for certain pupils”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“IRIS is so easy to use very little time is spent on staff training”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“Being able to summarise all of the behaviours of any particular child helps us to better understand their needs.”

Jun 2020
IRIS has been a game changer within our setting. It has made reporting, recording and sharing information much more efficient across the school.
Darren Hardy found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Individual behaviour plans are accessible to all staff at a click of a button. This enables staff to be consistent with their approach when working alongside pupils.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Behaviour trends and patterns can be tracked with a click of a button. This enables Teachers and TA's to able to be pro active when planning lessons, implementing supportive measures where needed.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“Through the sharing of whole school documents such as incident reports, behaviour plans and risk assessments. All information is current and up to date.”

Jun 2020
IRIS is a very useful tool for me in my role of leading on behaviour across a mainstream school and in a Resource Provision. It provides useful insights that are clearly presented at the click of a couple of buttons. The representative that worked with me to set up IRIS for my school, and organise the tabs so that they were personalised and exactly what we needed, has provided ongoing support. He provided exceptional training to enable me to use the analysis tool effectively and is available via email should I have any further questions, which has been very useful and supportive.
Lisa found IRIS Adapt:
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“IRIS enables school leaders to effectively monitor behaviour across the school. It alerts leaders to patterns in behaviour that highlight when children need some additional support. The analysis tool can be used to look for patterns of behaviour, therefore assisting leaders in using the data to understand how best to support the child.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“IRIS is quick and easy to use. It can be set up exactly how to suit the school, so it will do exactly what school leaders feel will be most useful for their school. The analysis tool, which is significant in providing relevant and useful information around children's behaviour, is accessible and the relevant training is not onerous, which makes it even more useful!”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“IRIS provides useful graphs, charts and tables to provide teachers with relevant information. This information provides very useful information for Child Centred Plans and Annual Reviews for individual children. This information provides clarity around the behaviour and well-being of children in school and can be used to support leaders in wider discussions about behaviour across the school.”

Jun 2020
We have a piece of software that is bespoke to our setting, it's easy to input information, do data analysis, show trends, see progress, create reports from and if we require any changes a quick phone call and it's adapted.
Jane Pepa found IRIS Adapt:
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Iris adapt supports the collating of behaviour data allowing users to understand spikes in behaviour, issues with pupils, recurring behaviours, record safeguarding concerns, parental contact all bespoke to your setting”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“In both the settings I have used Iris Adapt in this system replaced paper based systems, with Iris adapt information is input with a drop down menu or the ability to select multiple pupils or staff, we added first aid information and physical interventions to our system, over the covid period we have been able to record all parent contact information, online lesson attendance. Honestly I'm not sure how we could have coped without it.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“information that needs to be shared can be, safeguarding information can be input to DSL's”