What is Mark Mate?
Drastically reduce your teacher workload and remove your marking anxiety by bringing digital methods to your book based marking. Mark Mate allows teachers to simply 'say' their comments out loud as they mark their students' books. This verbal feedback is then dictated directly into our mobile app and can be printed instantly, either on labels or A4 cover sheets.
Not only does Mark Mate speed up the marking process, it also stores everything a teacher says directly into their online markbook. This detailed and live data allows you to build an incredibly clear picture of your students' progress simply by marking your work.
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Mark Mate Reviews
from 32 Verified Reviews
User rating
Used Mark Mate weekly for 4-6 months
Sep 2022
Its so easy to use and the pupils really respond to the individualised feedback. I cannot fault it!
Julia found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“I dont have to write the same comment over and over and I can give specific feedback to individual pupils much more quickly!”
- Slightly provides school data“I havent used it in that context yet”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“It speeds up marking significantly”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“I spend less time marking, yet probably give more imactful feedback!”

ESOL tutor
Used Mark Mate monthly for 3-4 years
Sep 2022
The software is not perfect and I often need to correct what is typed but it is still very useful.
Mark found Mark Mate:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“I use it because of a health problem with my hand.”
- Slightly provides school data
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“It allows me to give significant feedback to students.”
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing

Apr 2022
What's not to love?!?
Gemma Prouse found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“I find it so much quicker to talk my feedback than to write it. I also like that it syncs to a markbook rather than me having to enter the data in to my markbook separately after!”
- Significantly provides school data“Instant collation of data - winner!”
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency“When I get more confident with MarkMate then I'd like to try using it in the classroom to provide feedback for pupils, although I'm not sure what that looks like yet.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Marking can be completed quickly!”

Mar 2022
7 - cost does rack up. It works well with smaller classes but the time to set up classes can be excessive
Hilary Seaton found Mark Mate:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“I am able to make better use of time. For example, when the kids are getting changed, I can quickly type up their verbal feedback and put it in their books by the time they come out of the changing rooms.”
- Does not provide school data
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency“It helps lower ability students to process the verbal feedback better. By them having it printed out immediately after the conversation, it helps to remind them what to do independently”
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing“I feel less pressured when I am having a book scrutiny knowing that my students have lots of stickers in their book”

Mar 2022
I have found a slight bug recently where if I have left general feedback for all my class, it is then difficult to give individual feedback afterwards. I have to come back to my home page after marking each pupil rather than stay in the marksheet and change feedback for each pupil by clicking on their name. At times, the system can be quite slow moving from page to page, or pupil to pupil.
Hayley Moutrey found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Handwriting WWW and TMPC can sometimes be length in English. I use Mark Mate to include comments for my pupils to consider which challenges them. I can use prompt questions to scaffold. I now only literacy mark books and all of my summative comments are given via Mark Mate stickers. Copying and pasting my comments can also be a great time saver!”
- Moderately provides school data“I haven't used Mark Mate for long enough yet to comment (KS4). However, it helps with report writing and during Parent's Evening greatly as I can see every comment I've given a child just by hovering my curser over their name. I have also found the colour coding to be most helpful for Life Without Levels (KS3).”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Feedback is personalised.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“I have significant back problems and struggle to sit for long periods of time. Mark Mate reduces the time I spent marking but also my posture as I can type or say my feedback rather than write it.”

Mar 2022
I be lost without it , more schools should use it and pay for it for there staff. Teaching is so hard with the amount of work we have to do I can mark my books in under an hour
gregory found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“cuts down on my marking, doing art means I teach nearly every child at KS3.”
- Slightly provides school data“I use the data I have on here to help me do my reports”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“I am dyslexic so it helps me being able to give detail feed back to students that they can read and understand. Love it as it corrects my spellings for me”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Saves me so much time...I can have a bit of a life”

Feb 2022
I have found this a valuable resource and it's a quality service which helps me carry out my job.
Cat Acha found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Time for marking, assessment used to write reports, easy access to data”
- Significantly provides school data“It makes it easy and simple to transfer across”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Save time marking, central organised planning, data easily accesibly for reporting purposes and feedback”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing

Feb 2022
It has been fantastic so far! I would say 'life changing'
Rachel Loong found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“No long written comments or repeating yourself in multiple books. Can speak the feedback AS I look at the books - game changer!”
- Moderately provides school data“I can set grades or percentages for types of work and track them over time.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Easy to see common errors made by multiple students”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Massive cut in marking time.”

Feb 2022
I love the system.
Claire Summerhayes found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Using the labels is very quick. You can mark a class set in a quarter of the time that it usually takes. The addition of the A4 marking pages enables me to assess against set assessment objectives and provides a space for student response. I like how all of the information is stored and collated online.”
- Does not significantly provide school data
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Quicker and more organised feedback frees up time to spend with family.”

Feb 2022
Cat Harley found Mark Mate:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Able to copy and paste remarks and also the speed that it prints and sticks is excellent.”
- Does not significantly provide school data
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“You can print a sticker on the spot in your room at the time that the feedback is given rather than waiting until after the lesson and going to the school printer etc.”
- Does not significantly improve teacher wellbeing

Greg Vrecenak
Teacher of English & Educational Technology Coach
Used Mark Mate weekly for 0–3 months
Feb 2022
I love the software. I used it to mark IB English exams and Mark Mate hastened my mark time. I am encouraging school-wide adoption of Mark Mate.
Greg Vrecenak found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Being able to mark multiple students' work simultaneously just by ticking boxes”
- Significantly provides school data“Collating information in the app; easy view”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Voice to text streamlines marking and the print outs present in a nicer way than handwriting”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“More balance, less marking time spent”

Matt Wheeler
Teacher of physics
Used Mark Mate weekly for 4-6 months
Feb 2022
As I have said, there are always problems with it. I have set up a new class this afternoon so that I can mark books. MarkMate will not let me access the mark sheet I have created.
Matt Wheeler found Mark Mate:
- Does not reduce teacher workload“I am always finding glitsches. This means that everything takes longer whilst these are sorted or I revert to red pen marking.”
- Does not provide school data“None”
- Does not significantly improve teaching efficiency“I refer to an earlier answer.”
- Does not significantly improve teacher wellbeing“Causes stress by not working properly.”

Feb 2022
It is a brilliant system and I would absolutely recommend it to any teacher struggling with their workload at present.
Andrew Keating found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It makes giving feedback a lot faster and therefore improves the quality and frequency at which I can give this feedback.”
- Significantly provides school data“It has multiple options for generating reports on student progress and tracking this progress over time. I really like the way I can store all of this data in one central location.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“It provides once centralised system for marking and makes great use of templates which can be used again and again to improve the efficiency of marking work.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Any tool that reduces workload improves wellbeing!”

Feb 2022
Great benefits for improving quality of feedback and reducing workload. Unable to give 9/10 as still familiarising myself with system.
Dan found Mark Mate:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Far quicker than typing or hand writing feedback. Reduces time spent marking by at least 1/3rd”
- Moderately provides school data“Easy to track progress against assessment objectives through grade sets”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Enables DIRT to be used more effectively through targeted feedback and questions to prompt progress.”
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing“Lessening workload means more time on more enjoyable aspects of teaching like lesson planning and interacting with learners. Also, less time spent at work and able to leave earlier each day.”

Ed Cooper
Head of Design and Technology Faculty
Used Mark Mate weekly for 0–3 months
Feb 2022
Absolutely brilliant - students cant read my writing therefore I slow down, with this the pace increases and it actually comes across how I want it to - very natural process
Ed Cooper found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Clear detailed feedback, speeds up marking by 300%”
- Moderately provides school data“Recorded data quickly exported into spreadsheets etc used to track progress”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Used for progress checks with Year 13 Engineering students, great depth provided in a fraction of the time with personalised messages that are not as stale as hand written”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Reduced marking time - more impactful feedback so seems more worthwhile”

Feb 2022
Very efficient and useful - highly recommend
Sophie Delacoe found Mark Mate:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“I am able to pre-populate labels to use for common feedback and give in depth, personalised feedback to students in a fraction of the time”
- Moderately provides school data“I am able to track student progress through several pieces of work much more efficiently than if done without MarkMate”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“To quickly and efficiently mark books and provide feedback”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Reduced workload means better teacher wellbeing”

Feb 2022
I have really enjoyed markmate for all of the reasons stated previously.
Abigail Woodcock found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It reduces it because it makes whole class feedback and individual feedback quicker and more detailed.”
- Slightly provides school data
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“It improves detail of feedback and makes it much quicker.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Reducing marking time”

Feb 2022
The system is good but sometimes the voice recognition is a long way out or it adds random capital letters to words that do not need them. I need to spend time after each assessment re-reading comments and making corrections which takes a lot of time.
Ian found Mark Mate:
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“I find that it takes the same amount of time but my feedback is more relevant and detailed than before.”
- Does not significantly provide school data“My school assessments are not done using markmate.”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Feedback is more detailed and precise for each student.”
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing“I am not very good at concentrating on writing for long periods of time so speaking allows me to get the work done without the stresses of forcing myself to complete it.”

Oct 2021
This tool is effective in reducing the actual time it takes to mark (even quicker if you use the speech recognition tool!); it provides an overview of attainment and these two main advantages both go towards reducing teacher workload.
Allison Jakes found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload
- Significantly provides school data
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing

Oct 2021
It has had a really significant impact. I sometimes worry about what would happen if I didn't have it and had to revert to my old routines. It is fair to say i would feel lost without it!
Paula Payne found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It just helps me get through assessment so much more quickly, whilst actually improving the quality and effectiveness for both myself and the students.”
- Significantly provides school data“I can see progress and I can target individuals in need of support.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“I mark work faster and more frequently as a result. it is less burdensome to mark work and more rewarding because I feel I am doing a better job and I don't get so stressed out about it.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“I used to get very stressed about the assessment of work and also struggle to organise my marking. Now I feel in control of it and although I still have a high workload it feels more manageable and I am more confident.”

Sep 2021
I do feel you should be able to collect all data in a subject for one child. Some issues with assessment and grades
Grant Jones found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“General marking / assessment”
- Does not provide school data
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Reduces unnecessary marking - more focused”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing“Reduces marking time”

Sep 2021
It's very easy to use, the phone app is a game changer and the software is versatile. I can see a way to use this for starter tasks with specific questions/activities, challenge questions at the end of feedback and exit cards.
Tom Norton found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Makes it easier to give longer feedback in a vastly reduced time.”
- Does not significantly provide school data“I am not really using this function yet.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Giving clearer and more personalised feedback.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“I'm actually enjoying marking.”

Sep 2021
Very efficient product that has great potential, but very occasional errors need changing manually.
Nick Matthews found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Allowing much more in depth responses to children, taking less time to do more.”
- Moderately provides school data“Tracking of objectives”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“We can set relevant challenge questions to relevant children very rapidly.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Less time marking”

Sep 2021
Deborah Andrew found Mark Mate:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Makes marking creative writing less onerous through use of dictation and also records marks at the same time”
- Moderately provides school data“As in previous answer, creating mark books is very quick”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“As above”
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing“Marking is more efficient and less time consuming”

David Green
Area Lead for English
Used Mark Mate occasionally for 1-2 years
Sep 2021
Excellent support from the team. Excellent technological facility to provide detailed, precise feedback.
David Green found Mark Mate:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Dictation methods are excellent and more detailed and precise feedback can be provided as opposed to handwriting. Very good to track feedback given and impact.”
- Significantly provides school data“Charting the impact on student progress over time.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Clearer and precise feedback. Students able to reflect and provide actions on the feedback. Checking the impact of feedback over time.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Quicker marking methods and not taking as much time at home.”