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What is Pobble?

As teachers ourselves, we know that children struggle to put pen to paper so we strive to change the way they feel about writing. We create exciting content that makes it easier for teachers to engage and motivate even their most reluctant young writers, every day!

Plus, our online moderation tool allows teachers to be confident in their assessment judgements.

Pobble empowers teachers to:

· Teach daily short burst writing activities that motivate children to write more.
· Easily build a daily writing routine with a new writing prompt for every day of the year.
· Provide endless writing opportunities to help improve writing stamina.
· Reduce the workload required to plan engaging writing lessons.
· Improve the accuracy of their writing assessments.· Easily create online moderation files, save them as evidence and share them with others.
· Gain a clear understanding of what good writing looks like.

Why Pobble?

Our content is:

Unique and high-quality - We pride ourselves on making powerful resources that spark imagination and creativity and allow teachers to write with their class every day. By partnering with incredible artists and
photographers whose distinctive images complement our writing prompts, we create captivating content. Children are engaged and excited by our unique content and respond by producing page-popping writing!

Made by teachers - We're a team of like-minded educators who want to make a difference in the lives of teachers and children. Our experience and drive mean we know exactly what teachers need to teach writing effectively and what children need to feel truly inspired. Over the past 10 years, we’ve worked alongside hundreds of thousands of teachers to understand the primary writing process and develop our content and tools.

Diverse and accessible - Pobble began in the classroom of an Enhanced Mainstream and Minority Ethnic Achievement Hub School, it’s where our heart is and why we care so much about impacting every single learner. After working with a diverse base of teachers and schools from around the world with a wide variety of needs and circumstances, we were awarded a grant from the Department for Education to make our tools even more accessible for learners with additional needs. This has allowed us to develop our platform and content to be engaging and accessible for every learner, including those previously reluctant to write.

Are we any good?

When it comes to teaching writing, we're respected, trusted and proven to work...

Pobble has grown to be a multi-award-winning platform that supports and inspires young writers. Pobble was also selected as one of just 8 organisations funded, independently evaluated and supported by the UK Department for Education as a recipient of the government’s Edtech Innovation Fund. Additionally, research undertaken with UCL’s Institute of Education as part of their Educate programme shows that Pobble reduces teacher lesson planning time by 39%, whilst improving pupils' speed, confidence, and enjoyment of writing, leading to improved attainment. The best validation for us, however, is that teachers frequently tell us that they LOVE the impact Pobble has on writing in their schools. Pobble is trusted by a community of over a million teachers and students in 50 countries around the world!

Choose the plan that's right for you

We offer single Teaching and Learning subscriptions for an individual teacher or tutor for just £4 a month. For schools wanting Teaching and Learning access for all staff members, we offer tiered school pricing based on the number of subscriptions you require. School group subscriptions are also available with discounts for groups of more than 4 schools.

Educational Impact

improve attainment
improve teaching efficiency
reduce teacher workload
improve teacher knowledge
reduce attainment gap
CompanyBusiness Name: Pobble Education Ltd
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 2013
Age Range5-7, 8-10, 11-13
FeaturesIncredible Images And Ready-made Writing ActivitiesEngage Reluctant WritersCurriculum Aligned Writing LessonsTopic LessonsDaily Short Burst Writing ActivitiesEasily Build A Daily Writing RoutineEndless Writing Opportunities Improve Writing StaminaPupil LoginsWhole School Subscriptions
AccessibilityRobust features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsInternet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookDesktop - LinuxMobile - iPad

Students can be added to the pupil tools through CSV upload or Wonde integration.

Set Up

1 minute


No training is required. However, Pobble provides additional CPD training and support opportunities for schools looking to improve their writing process.

SupportEmailFAQs/ForumKnowledge Base
Home LearningParent Access

Anyone can create the account.

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Pobble Pricing

Pricing Plans

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Pobble offers free accounts, individual teacher subscriptions, and whole-school subscriptions with support to get you and your school team started.

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Pobble Reviews

4.7 out of 5

from 55 Verified Reviews

Pobble has collected 0 reviews in the past 6 months

User rating



Sarah Bullivant

Assistant Headteacher

pann, England

Used Pobble monthly for 5 years+

Feb 2023

It’s a fantastic resource

Reply from Pobble:Thanks for your feedback Sarah!
Sarah Bullivant found Pobble:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Age appropriate lesson starters
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    The way it integrates grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary improves writing.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Structure of writing tasks are very focused
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Improved grammar knowledge
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Enthuses children to write, real purpose and audience increases attainment
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Chelsea Hughes

English Coordinator

Newton International School, Lagoon Campus, Qatar

Used Pobble weekly for 3-4 years

Dec 2022

Pobble has been a constant in my teaching for around 4 years now. Without it, I lose the attainment of all children within the class to try their best in writing. They want their work to be celebrated, no matter how small the progress is. With the help of Pobble presentations, resources, high quality stimuli, moderation, WAGOLLs and more teachers are able to get the children there!

Reply from Pobble:Thanks, Chelsea! What lovely feedback! We're really grateful you can take the time to share your thoughts with fellow teachers.
Chelsea Hughes found Pobble:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Quick starts in the morning, high quality stimulus, celebrating children’s writing and producing presentations for my team to use
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Gives LA a reason to write. All children want their work published on Pobble and for parent’s at home to read their work
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Pobble provides stimulus, word mats, presentation scaffolds so that teachers can send each other their complete lesson
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Teachers can access children’s work from all round the world. This gives teachers an idea of how children are working at the same age range- this considerably helps moderating
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Inclusiveness of the uploading of work
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Kate Bodle

Deputy Headteacher

Used Pobble weekly for 3-4 years

Dec 2022

Pobble has many facets, inspiration for students and teachers, simplifying moderation, a safe publishing space and more! Plus events and competitions to engage learners! Great help and support too!

Reply from Pobble:Thanks for your wonderful feedback, Kate! We really appreciate you taking the time to share the impact Pobble is having in your school.
Kate Bodle found Pobble:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Generating ideas for lesson planning, simple moderation
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Children aim higher with their writing when shown a WAGOLL or knowing their writing could be published.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Moderation is easier. Lesson prep can be simplified in terms of the templates
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Sometimes guides teachers when looking at lesson templates
  • Significantly improves attainment
    As before- use of Wagolls to inspire
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Anthony McGeeney


Galley Hill Primary School, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Used Pobble daily for 4-6 months

Dec 2022

It offers children a platform to publish their work. There are so many ways that staff can use the materials and enable all children have copies on their own accounts. The moderation part is amazing. It offers a focused approach to moderation with the feedback part of it enabling comments to be saved, as well as a grading to be given at the end if required. The endless amount of writing stimulus ensures there is something for everyone. The team are really supportive and if there is ever any suggestions they take it on board to continue to grow the platform. Children and staff love their Pobble publications!

Reply from Pobble:Thanks for the feedback, Anthony! We're delighted you're seeing Pobble have such an impact in your school.
Anthony McGeeney found Pobble:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Short burst writing materials are already resourced - from word banks to sentence starters. It has also been great for developing ideas. Staff can alter any of the prepopulated materials as well as send them to the children on their individual Pobble accounts.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    All children are able to access the engaging images to give them a purpose to write. The scaffolded approach that children can access, from a story started to vocab and sentence work, enables all children to find their starting point and engage with the lesson and want to write with a creative purpose
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Lots of interactive ways to enable short burst writing, as well as longer pieces of writing from the stimulus given. Also, recently we have started using the moderation part which has enable the whole process of moderation in school to become very efficient and purposeful.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    The support that is given with each stimulus. Also, the online support they have with moderation has really helped refine teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Pupils want to have their work published on Pobble, they have a purpose to write which has made all pupils want to improve their writing.
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Teacher and SENco

Queens British Grammar School, Spain

Used Pobble monthly for 5 years+

Dec 2022

Children become so engaged when they know their work will be published for others to see. The resources are so useful to teachers and engage all the pupils regardless of language barrier. Great company who show true passion to inspire others.

Reply from Pobble:Alison, thank you so much for your wonderful feedback. We love that your class are so engaged!
Alison found Pobble:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Time spent searching for suitable resources.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    EAL children who love the visual stimulus
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Using correct terminology
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Inspires children to write for a purpose.
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Used Pobble occasionally for 3-4 years

Dec 2022

Great support systems, resources created by actual teachers, etc

Reply from Pobble:Thanks for your lovely feedback, Nathan!
Nathan found Pobble:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Provides an easy purpose for writing without teachers needing to think of one, also the lesson resources are easy to pick up
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves attainment
    It made boys more interested in writing and increased their attainment
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Chelsea Hughes

Year 4 Teacher

Used Pobble for 3-4 years

Feb 2021

I can't imagine teaching without it.

Chelsea Hughes found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Uploading children's work onto Pobble gives the child recognition for their progress- not only the best pieces but for the most improved and that keeps children motivated.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Makes writing exciting for all children, they all want to be published on Pobble so they know they have to write in order to do that.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    There are no awkward moments in the classroom where you need a time filler. Pobble365 always has your back!
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Resources at your fingertips, starters at your fingertips, moderation, WAGOLL, everything you need for a great English lesson.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills
    It allows teachers to see what is happening in other classrooms around the world.
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Louise Robinson


Used Pobble for 6 years

Nov 2020

I love it.

Louise Robinson found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Engagement with texts written by other children supports my pupils (and previous cohorts) with their individual targets. Not only that but the desire to have their work on the platform ensures they try that little bit harder.
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    I usually spend hours creating PowerPoints and trying to make them look good etc. The presentation slides are so simple and easy to use as well as being engaging for my class. Finding examples of writing is easy too rather than me having to write out my own examples. I find that the children engage more with a text written by another pupil too.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Just the time it takes to create the lesson is significantly less than making my own slides.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills
    The example lessons generally have an explanation with examples which helps me to understand terminology. It helps with new teachers too.
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Mar 2020

As already stated, Pobble motivates children who strive to become published authors. They are recognised and feel accomplishment when they are and this has a knock on affect with other children. The new developments in the platform are another added bonus for teachers who are able to use it to build lessons that are exciting and challenging for children, whilst reducing teachers’ workload.

Vinny Turner found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Children’s motivation to want to write for the platform and become published authors with their work recognised by others has demonstrated that to all in school. Children want to attain a certain standard, as they understand their efforts will be recognised by others.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    All children, regardless of attainment levels are striving for their work to be published on the platform. Lower attaining children use examples of other children’s work to ‘level up’ their own writing and this clearly benefits them in their independent work too.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    The lesson builder and option to pull in various resources from the platform has ensured that teacher workload is reduced and they are able to plan great lessons as a result.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    It is enabling staff to build lessons and prepare work using the one platform.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills
    Teacher knowledge is already very good within our school, but Pobble has helped with NQTs and recently qualified teachers in supporting their development.
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Chloe Goodridge

Head of English and class teacher

Used Pobble for A few years in this school and previous schools too

Jan 2020

A great website with endless possibilities!

Chloe Goodridge found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Children are more engaged in lessons where they know others around the world will be seeing their work.
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Children want to do well as they know it’s going on Pobble.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    So many resources on Pobble and all in one place meaning I don’t have to scour the internet!
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills
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Sarah Bullivant

English lead and SLT

Used Pobble for 5years

Jan 2020

It’s by teachers for teachers and that is a real strength. The website is easy to navigate and is full of useful resources. My class love the idea of being published authors- it helps to give their writing purpose.

Sarah Bullivant found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Has an impact on the stamina children have for writing, the 365 helps to review previous learning.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    My less able writers are keen to have work published so they take more care over their work.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    The link to the web resources has become my go to place saving me time.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    The new facility of being able to create powerpoints and link in resources is very time efficient.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    In my role as mentor I direct student teachers to pobble 365 and it helps with their questioning and how to develop lessons.
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Class teacher

Smart Vision School, United Arab Emirates

Used Pobble for 5+ years

Jan 2020

Excellent product

Kerry found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Value-added scores in writing attainment
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    EAL students faster language acquisition
  • Slightly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Less time spent creating lesson presentations
  • Slightly reduces teacher workload
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    Use of technology
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Smart Vision School, United Arab Emirates

Used Pobble for 4 months

Jan 2020

I think Pobble is amazing and have started my own Pobble wall in the classroom to promote it at school, with parents and students

Nicole found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Students have now I'm proved their writing
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Students have increased their writing ability not decreased it
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Lesson Planning is a huge bonus on Pobble - great resources
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Provides resources which can take ages to source
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    ICT knowledge has improved and marking when looking at other submissions
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Class Teacher

Smart Vision School, United Arab Emirates

Used Pobble for 5 months

Jan 2020

Pobble has been a fantastic tool in my classroom! The children benefit greatly from it as they are inspired to write more and to improve their writing and produce their best work so they can be published authors. Pobble has supported me as a teacher to create my own lessons and slide shows as well as collaborate with other teachers.

Sarah found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    It encourages children to try produce their best writing as they all want to be 'Pobble Published'. The children also use it as a WAGOLL and magpie ideas or words from Pobble work.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Pobble provides low attainers with models of what their writing should contain. They can also magpie ideas by using a WAGOLL.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    The 'My Lessons' section on Pobble is amazing! I love that you can create your own slide show and focus on the content rather than making it look exciting as Pobble does that for you. Children are also engaged looking at other children's work on Pobble.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    It is brilliant that you can create your own slide show on Pobble and focus on the content and Pobble makes it look exciting. Children can provide feedback to each other too.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    Pobble provides teachers with the opportunity to collaborate and share resources.
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Rachael Wilding

Primary Head

Smart Vision School, United Arab Emirates

Used Pobble for 1 1/2 years

Jan 2020

It's the whole package, the support behind the platform, the networking it brings, the publishing, the joy of children interacting with other children's work, the prestige of being a genuine published author, the simplicity of the website and how it links with parents and comments on work.

Rachael Wilding found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    our primary writing results have improved in every year group in the last academic year since using the Pobble platform. It has also upskilled the teachers with the CPD sessions to ensure all writing is of a higher standard.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    We have found the use of Pobble has specifically helped us close the attainment gap between boys and girls. It has also supported our SEND students to achieve results more in line with year group expectations.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Unlike before when teachers would use prep time looking for examples of text. Students independently search out examples and are able to create their own success criteria linked to their writing focus by using Pobble examples. This has had a massive impact on all of our writing results and has boosted writing interest and confidence. Just last week I found two boys in ERIC time using Pobble as a reading text, I asked why and they said they enjoy reading other children's stories.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    See point before (g)
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    The CPD and support offered with a Pobble subscription is the best value for money going. Along with the opportunity to publish children's work, search through lesson planning and resources, the new version allows you to create your own resources. All of this has helped upskill our teachers in their delivery of writing lessons.
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Used Pobble for I haven't

Jan 2020

Poppie found Pobble:
  • Slightly improves attainment
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
  • Slightly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
  • Slightly reduces teacher workload
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills
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Chloe Goodridge

Head of English and class teacher

Used Pobble for A few years in this school and previous schools too.

Jan 2020

A great website with endless possibilities!

Chloe Goodridge found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Children are more engaged in lessons where they know others around the world will be seeing their work.
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Children want to do well as they know it’s going on Pobble.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    So many resources on Pobble and all in one place meaning I don’t have to scour the internet!
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills
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Teaching Assistant

Used Pobble for 4 months

Jan 2020

Pobble has taught me a lot of ideas and ways to improve not only my own knowledge but that of the children as well.

Dan found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    improved quality of work/detail
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    To give them extra motivation to work towards a goal
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    I believe so, as it gives you more ideas to work with.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
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Jan 2020

excellent product

Kerry found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    value-added scores in writing attainment
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    EAL students faster language acquisition
  • Slightly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    less time spent creating lesson presentations
  • Slightly reduces teacher workload
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    use of technology
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Jan 2020

I think Pobble is amazing and have started my own Pobble wall in the classroom to promote it at school, with parents and students

Nicole found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Students have now I'm proved their writing
  • Does not reduce attainment gap
    Students have increased their writing ability not decreased it
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Lesson Planning is a huge bonus on Pobble - great resources
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Provides resources which can take ages to source
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    ICT knowledge has improved and marking when looking at other submissions
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Jan 2020

Pobble has been a fantastic tool in my classroom! The children benefit greatly from it as they are inspired to write more and to improve their writing and produce their best work so they can be published authors. Pobble has supported me as a teacher to create my own lessons and slide shows as well as collaborate with other teachers.

Sarah found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    It encourages children to try produce their best writing as they all want to be 'Pobble Published'. The children also use it as a WAGOLL and magpie ideas or words from Pobble work.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Pobble provides low attainers with models of what their writing should contain. They can also magpie ideas by using a WAGOLL.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    The 'My Lessons' section on Pobble is amazing! I love that you can create your own slide show and focus on the content rather than making it look exciting as Pobble does that for you. Children are also engaged looking at other children's work on Pobble.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    It is brilliant that you can create your own slide show on Pobble and focus on the content and Pobble makes it look exciting. Children can provide feedback to each other too.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    Pobble provides teachers with the opportunity to collaborate and share resources.
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Jan 2020

Its the whole package, the support behind the platform, the networking it brings, the publishing, the joy of children interacting with other children's work, the prestige of being a genuine published author, the simplicity of the website and how it links with parents and comments on work.

Rachael Wilding found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    our primary writing results have improved in every year group in the last academic year since using the pobble platform. It has also upskilled the teachers with the CPD sessions to ensure all writing is of a higher standard.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    We have found the use of pobble has specifically helped us close the attainment gap between boys and girls. It has also supported our SEND students to achieve results more in line with year group expectations.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Unlike before when teachers would use prep time looking for examples of text. Students independently search out examples and are able to create their own success criteria linked to their writing focus by using pobble examples. This has had a massive impact on all of our writing results and has boosted writing interest and confidence. Just last week I found two boys in ERIC time using pobble as a reading text, I asked why and they said they enjoy reading other children's stories.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    See point before (g)
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    The CPD and support offered with a pobble subscription is the best value for money going. Along with the opportunity to publish children's work, search through lesson planning and resources, the new version allows you to create your own resources. All of this has helped upskill our teachers in their delivery of writing lessons.
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Louise Robinson


Used Pobble for 6 years

Jan 2020

It’s a simple to use tool that greatly enhances my teaching of writing whilst helping to save time when planning. The children are also motivated to write when their work is published.

Louise Robinson found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Particularly with editing, generating ideas and how to structure a piece of writing.
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    When used purely for intervention purposes, it helps to address specific areas of development- closing the gap.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Creating lessons is time consuming so with this, it saves me time.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Not having to create my own examples of writing saves a lot of time.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills
    Examples of other writing that’s available supports knowledge in areas such as grammar.
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Chelsea Hughes

Y6 Team Leader/ Teacher

Used Pobble for 3 years

Jan 2020

If I was to move on to a new school without a Pobble subscription it is something that I would definitely push to implement as I can't imagine teaching without it.

Chelsea Hughes found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    It has had impact on children who struggle with passion to write. Giving them a reason to now put pen to paper, in the chance that they become a published Author.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    It allows children to view WAGOLLs and be able to recognise the structure and language used in other people's' work. This help even the lower ability children to see what it is they need to achieve, allowing them to scaffold or magpie.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    When writing my plans I can research resources through Pobble and put lesson/ppts together using these. I can look up WAGOLLs, not only for my lessons but to help me gauge where other children in Year 6 are and what their capabilities are. Pobble365 is a quick and easy morning starter which has proven results within my class- in particular 'sick sentences'- where children can show off what they have learnt in SPAG that week.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Morning starters with Pobble365. I can search Pobble for the topic I am teaching and have access to work that other schools have done. Many of my lessons that I have planned started with a WAGOLL from Pobble. Again, the ppt tool and resources help with planning at ease. Finding all resources in one place.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    By looking up topics on exemplars I can see what other schools are teaching in my year group, giving me new ideas to work with. I can also look up the age that I teach and find new topics to look into that I may not have seen before. It also help me see what children in Year 6 are capable of and therefore push the boundaries of my teaching.
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Used Pobble for 12 months

Jan 2020

Kate found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
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Last updated 26th March 2025
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